Stress & Immune Suppression

There is a lot of hysteria and panic these days regarding the Coronavirus, and this is precisely why it is spreading rapidly. Stress has a significant effect on the immune system that ultimately manifests as illness and disease. It raises catecholamine and suppresses T cell levels, which suppress the immune system. This suppression, in turn, raises the risk of viral infection. Stress also leads to the release of histamine, which can trigger severe broncho-constriction in asthmatics and can cause severe reactions to a common cold or flu. This is again is precisely what we are seeing today with the Coronavirus. The best way to avoid contracting any virus, including Coronavirus, is to reduce your investment in panic and worry and increase your investment of time, energy, and thought into what we’ve always known to work in defense against illness and disease; boosting your immunity!

Several studies have shown that chronic stress exerts a general immunosuppressive effect that suppresses or withholds the body’s ability to initiate a prompt, efficient immune reaction (1,2). This has been attributed to the abundance of corticosteroids (stress hormone) produced during chronic stress, which produces an imbalance in corticosteroid levels and weakens immunocompetence, ie the ability of the body to produce a normal immune response following exposure to an antigen.

Unfortunately, the entire medical and pharmaceutical industry have few solutions to help the public overcome yearly viruses. Essentially, they preach hygiene, medical drugs, and vaccines. At the moment, their hands are tied with the Coronavirus until they come up with a vaccine. Although hygiene is always important, it’s not going to boost your immune system. Further, we’re not contracting these viruses because we lack vaccines, medications, and antibiotics. In fact, these methods of defense have shown to weaken the immune system. (3,4)

Another popular avenue that many people tent to take is antibacterial sprays, wipes, and solutions. But recent research is telling us that alcohol-based products are creating a bacterial adaptation, i.e. superbugs! These products also kill ALL bacteria, including your own line of defense against viruses, and they essentially leave immunocompromised. (5) So, if medical drugs and antibacterial products cause disruption of our immune system, what can we do to successfully defend ourselves against viruses? It’s not sexy, it’s not a pill, and it’s not a secret. Maintaining a healthy immune system can be easily done by staying active, eating a healthy diet, getting good rest, and managing your emotional stress levels. (6)

Although it’s not what is promoted to the public during a pandemic, it’s really all that can be done to truly defend your body against illness and disease beyond good hygiene. It’s not to say that other avenues can’t be helpful at times, but these “quick-cures” are often nothing more than a band-aid against potential illness and ultimately come with many challenging consequences as the research shows.

A healthy immune system will defend the body by helping to fight off pathogens throughout the span of a human lifetime. Every day that you invest your time, energy, and thought into boosting your immunity through a healthy lifestyle the longer and more vital you’ll feel, and the easier and more effectively your immune system can protect your body against even the strongest virus. It’s never too late to start and every second invested counts. It may not be the answers you’re receiving from the medical and pharmaceutical industries, perhaps because telling you that you can self-empower your body against illness and disease quite easily will challenge their bottom line, but the studies that prove that a healthy lifestyle is THE best way to maintain a healthy immune system and defend yourself against illness and disease (even the pesky Coronavirus) are absolutely endless. Dont’s stress and panic, these just make it worse. Instead, be healthy by living a balanced lifestyle. It’s not purchased or given to us. It’s created.

Below are the basics. They are required for anyone who wants to build and maintain a healthy immune system. May these immunity-boosting tips serve to protect you.


Avoid any and all processed foods and drink plenty of clean water.

Exercise moderately for 30 minutes every day.

Get to bed by 10:30 PM every night (screens off by 9:30 PM)

Avoid ruminating on what you don’t have and instead on what you do.


1. Hafen BQ, Frandsen KJ, Karren K, Hooker KR. The health effects of attitudes, emotions and relationships. Provo UT: EMS Associates; 1991. [Google Scholar]

2. Huebner HS. Burnout among school psychologists: An exploratory investigation into its nature, extent and correlates. School Psychol Quart. 1992;7:129–36. [Google Scholar]



