Health Is a Higher Priority Than Your Career

All too often, our clients come to the realization that their careers have become a higher priority than their health. They’ve sacrificed their relationships with family and friends, and they’ve passed on wonderful experiences that are arguably more rewarding just so they can get the deal done or get ahead.

It’s not easy to get ahead in our careers or build a business with so many tasks, goals, and fierce competition. All these necessities add up to a lot of pressure. On any given day, you might be up to your neck in to-do’s, which often pushes health out the perimeter somewhere, never to be seen again.

But it’s not greed that drives us, as many might think. There’s no way we’d push ourselves to the edge of illness just for the money. There’s a lot of passion, desire, and enjoyment in getting ahead, too. But when we prioritize our careers over health, we’re putting the wagon before the horse.

Remember, if healthy habits like exercise, good nutrition, and adequate rest are ignored, a loss of physical health and work productivity are eminent. A lack of attention to our health needs eventually decreases motivation to work harder in our careers and can even foster deeper depression in many aspects of our lives. You know it. I know it. We all know research supports it: Healthy people think, adapt, and perform better in all areas of their lives, including work.

It’s important to understand that excellence in our area of your life promotes excellence in all areas of your life. Following a reasonable health program is the easiest area of your life to control! Either you get it done, or you don’t. When you do it lifts all other areas of your life, including your career.

So, the next time you’re thinking of getting ahead in your career, don’t just think about the deal you’re making with your clients or partners. Think about the deal you’re making with yourself to maintain focus, mental clarity, energy, and happiness. By eating smarter, moving more, sleeping better, and improving other various lifestyle components, you’re insuring your career in every aspect.

As one of our mentors once said, “How you do one thing is how you do everything.” When we work to improve our health, we improve everything else around us. It’s the nature of healthy thinking. Together, a healthy body and a positive mindset will foster your career in ways most people are surprised to experience when it does happen. It’s not always easy to build good habits into our lifestyle, but making health your highest priority is the first step.